Thursday, 19 November 2009

Promoting sustainable consumption through a high profile organisation

Unfortunately I missed last weeks lecture. When I saw the question I did toy with the idea of picking the Cabinet or Royal Family.! However, I finally decided to plump for the BBC on the basis that any successful revolution gets control of the main media channel to control information flow!) In all seriousness there are a few reasons why:
1. It's trusted by most people
2. It's in every home
3. It would be very easy to report on progress
4. It would be good at getting the value add messages across
5. It would be easy to involve celebs who, like it or not, are opinion formers for a proportion of the population.
6.It would be easy to involve local communities in sustainable consumption initiatives
In terms of activity.... First establish the BBC's carbon footprint and identify areas that need to be tackled. Next how these are going to be dealt with. Then track progress through programmes, news bulletins. You could have competitions between regions, showcase viewers initiatives etc

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