Sunday 8 November 2009

Woolly Thinking (x2)

Hi guys,

I've had my brother staying with me this weekend. He and his wife have recently launched a wool shop that sources all it's products from suatainable sources. So, if you are thinking of taking up knitting but don't want to buy that nasty Aussie wool that gets shipped halfway around the world, or you're searching for Xmas presents, or are just interested in their proposition have a look their website (unfortunately you can't yet order on-line)

A different type of woolly thinking.... I just had a leaflet through from Breckland Council telling me the only plastic they want in the recycle bin are plastic bottles (minus the tops!). So, all those yoghurt cups and food trays with a recycle symbol on them have to go in the landfill bag? This contrasts with Woking Council who wanted all plastic plus glass in the recycle bin. In South Norfolk I'm told what's allowed in the recycle bin is different again....Why can't we have a nationwide set of standards for recycling rather than this confusing patchwork? And is Breckland the only council in the country where the green wheelie bin is for landfill and the 'green' recyling bin is black?!

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