Thursday, 1 October 2009

CO2 is green!

If you haven't seen it already, have a look at this US ad. I found the link on the Guardian website but I'm sure there are other ways of accessing

If it was April 1 rather than October 1 I'd say I'd been fooled!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my God I can't believe that exists and is being shown to people! This small print in particular made me laugh

    ** For additional peer-reviewed scientific references and an in-depth discussion of the science supporting our position, please visit Climate Change Reconsidered: The Report of the Nongovernmental Planel on Climate Change (, or CO2 Science (

    Additional peer-reviewed references?! What were the original ones?!

    Whilst rather comical on the face of it, this is actually quite scary. I know so many people that use some of the "Critical Climate Change Facts" from the website to tell me climate change does not exist, and whilst some of them are fundamentally true for a natural state in the past they are not so now. However, this is conveniently ignored on websites like this. This just gives people the excuse they're looking for not to change their lives.
