Friday 16 October 2009

My book for review

I'm going to review "The Constant Economy - how to create a stable society" by Zac Goldsmith.

The reason for choosing this is simple. Goldsmith, who was editor of The Ecologist magazine, has been advising the Conservative Party on environmental issues. And given it looks like it'll be a Conservative Government in power, I thought it would be interesting and valuable to understand the views of their key adviser in this area as there is a chance that some of this will make it into their manifesto.


  1. Hmmm, good choice, I wonder how he'll try and sell deep ecological principles to a party seemingly blinkered into growth at all costs!

  2. From what I've read so far, he's got a great agenda.I just wonder how long he'll survive in the blue corner before he heads off to the Lib Dems or Greens.
